ISSN 2076-8462


«Pest Management / Пест-Менеджмент» (РЭТ-инфо) № 1 (77)/2011


ORDER 02.03.2011 NO. 201 On conducting scientific and practical school-conference of young scientists and experts of Rospotrebnadzor

ORDER 17.03.2011 NO. 246 On holding all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Modern aspects of natural focality of diseases"

ORDER 28.03.2011 NO. 301 Of the scientific-practical conference of young scientists
"Innovative technologies in epidemiological protection of the population"


Fungi, bacteria and polysaccharide compounds in a house dust


Akhapkina I. G., Antropova A. B., Zteltikova T. M. Establishment of Russian Academy of Medical Science, Institute of Vaccines and Serаnamed I.I. Mechnikov RAMS, Moscow.


A significant part of microorganisms to become an element of filling of house dust. Therefore dust is the most successful object for detection possible correlation between common bacterial contamination and concentration of the moulds and concentration of the polysaccharides capable induct ambiguous immune response of macroorganism. As a result of the carried research it was shown, that the contents of the polysaccharides in samples of dust changed in limits from 0,3 up to 96 mcg/g of a dust, thus the increase of quantity of the polysaccharides in a house dust is connected to increase of occurrence in samples Gramnegative rodshaped detection. However direct correlation between the contents of the polysaccharides and concentration of the moulds and common bacterial contamination of the dust was not detected. The quantity of the bacteria in house dust differed and was in limits from 2x103 up to 1x109 MPN/g (the most probable number of the microbial cells) of the dust. The quantity of the mould in house dust differed and was in limits from 1,7x103 to 3,7x105 CFU/g of the dust.


Key words: polysaccharides, bacteria, mould, environment, house dust, hypersensitivity.  


Shortcoming of narrow departmentalism approach to pest control problem. Coordination requirement


Shekarova O.N., Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Institution of ecology and Evolution, RAS, Leninsky prosp., 33, Moscow


Until recently the problems of pest control and biodiversity conservation were on different services and departments screen with their narrow nonoverlapping interests. This article is devoted to necessity of coordination of these organizations activity. Old narrow departmentalism is already impossible in current world. For success solving of pest control with biodiversity conservation problem it’s necessary to joint decisions and actions of all specialists, who is working at should seem so different problems. Some approaches to this problem decision in Australia are shown.


Key words: pest control, biodiversity, narrow departmentalism, Australia 


Tick-borne encephalitis in Yaroslav region


Druzhinina T. A., Doctor of Medicine,

Shishkina L. A., Baranova N.S., Cand. Sc. (Med.), Rospotrebnadzor Department in Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (YSMA), Roszdrav,

Gerasimov S. G. M.P.Chumakov’s Institute of poliomyelitis and virus encephalitises, Russian Academy of Medical Science


Data, concerning dynamics of tick-borne encephalitis sickness rate in Yaroslavl region, tick-borne investigation of tick-borne encephalitis infection rate of Ixodes persulcatus and clinical course of encephalitis. In the tick-borne encephalitis endemic region сomplex measures on this infection prophylaxis using all methods both specific and nonspecific prophylaxis allow to prevent mass population sickness by the tick-borne encephalitis.


Key words: tick-borne encephalitis, epidemiology, sickness rate, prophylaxis , lethal outcome analisys , acaricide treatment. 

Houseflies and control measures against these insects to nowadays


Roslavtseva S. A., Doctor of biology, professor, Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute by Rospotrebnadzor, Nauchny pr., 18, Moscow, 117246


Review about epidemiological important houseflies and the formation of the resistance to insecticides in housefly populations from different countries and in Moscow, and as control measures against these insects. To eliminate the development of the resistance to insecticides in populations of housefleis recommended use the scheme of rotation of larvicides and imagicides from different classes of chemical compounds with different modes of action.


Key words: housefly, resistance, insecticides (phosphororganic, carbamates, pirethroides, neonicotinoids), insect growth regulators, imagocides and larvicides rotation schemes, pest control. 


Dobrochim –new-phosphororganicinsectoacaricide with wide action spectrum


Kostina M.N., Doctor of Biology, Maltseva M.M., Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Novikova E. A. Lopatina Yu..V., Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute by Pospotrebnadzor, Nauchny pr., 18, Moscow, 117245;

Akulin M.M., Sidel’kovsky A.L., Afanasjev A.A., OOO “Dobrichim”, vil. Zagornovo, Ramensky district, Moscow region 141027;

Alesho N.A. Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Disinfectological business and Medical entomology Department RMAPE, Public Health Ministry RF., ul. Belomorskaya, 19/38, Moscow


New insectoacaricide on the basis of fenthion (phosphororganic substance) with wide action spectrum has been developed, studied and recommended for use in medical disinfection. Its target efficiency has been increased in 1,5-2 times and toxicity for homoiothermal animals has much decreased because of special formulation and competent chosen ingredients. This insectoacaricide is offered for introduction in current defined sequence rotation system of drugs with different action mechanism.


Key words, Phosphororganic acaricide, water concentrate, fenthion, action spectrum, degree of safety. 


Experience of antiepidemic measures when a suspect with grave acute respiratory syndrome is finding in a passenger train.


Kas’kov Yu. N., Cand. Sc. (Med.), Podkoritov Yu. I., Cand. Sc. (Med.), Rospotrebnadzor Department in railway transport, ul. Dubninskaya, 17, Moscow, 115054,

Dolgova N. D., Gorky Territorial Rospotrebnadzor Department in railway transport, Oktjabrsky prosp., 153, Kirov, 610001.


Experience of organization and carrying out antiepidemic measures after finding possible harmful acute respiratory infection among passengers of a passenger long-distance train and also measures to localization and elimination of emergency epidemiological situation is described in this article.


Key words: railway transport, sanitary territory protection, lethal outcome, assumption of grave acute respiratory syndrome, emergency epidemiological situation.