ISSN 2076-8462


Pest-Management #1 (113)/2020



 DOI  10.25732/2396.2020.86.98.001



Distribution of VKORC1 mutations and anticoagulant rodenticide resistance in norway rats in Russia


Tatiana A. Mironova 1 PhD. Bio,

Valentin A. Rylnikov 2 Dr. Sc. Bio.,

Angelina V. Bogacheva 3,

Leonid A. Lavrenchenko 1 Dr. Sc. Bio.

1 - A. N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution

(Moscow, Russia)

2 - Institute of pest management (Moscow, Russia)

3 - LLC City Centre disinfection (Kostroma, Russia)


Resistance of Norway rat to anticoagulant rodenticides now occurs in many countries in Europe, America and Asia. Resistance is often associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the VKORC1 gene. This study gives a first overview of the distribution and frequency of VKORC1 SNPs in Norway rat, based on tissue samples from several cities in Russia. No SNPs associated with resistance were found in Kostroma and Chita. We found one of the several previously described mutations Tyr139Ser for VKORC1. This mutation is known to be associated with resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides, and it was found in 29% of the samples from Moscow. All this rats were heterozygous for the Tyr139Ser variant.


Keywords: Norway rats, VKORC1, resistance, anticoagulant rodenticides


page 5-7


DOI  10.25732/9686.2020.80.64.002


Seasonal trapping of European Mole talpa europaea linnaeus, 1758 (Insectivora, Talpidae) in parkland


A. A. Yakovlev PhD (Biol.)

All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection

LLC «Innovation Center for Plant Protection»

Podbelskogo str., 3, Pushkin-Saint Petersburg 196608, Russia


For 6 years (2013-2018), in order to protect lawns and flowerbeds from damage by Talpa europaea LINNAEUS, 1758, moles were trapped in Pavlovsky Park (St. Petersburg, 59°41'37'' nl. 30°27'19''el.) A ratio of the trapping area to the total park area 1:60. From 11 ha territory a total of 21 to 86 individuals per year were caught. Breeding season, depending on the conditions of the year, lasted from April to July (usually with a maximum in May). In some years, cases of late catching of breeding individuals were recorded (at the end of August and in October). The territories, cleaned from moles, were re-occupied. Even after the beginning of dispersal of young animals, males prevailed in catches, the share of females ranged from 15% to 38%. Catching rates were usually higher in years with a wet and cool growing season: the correlation coefficient of the total number of individuals caught during the year with hydrothermal coefficient for May – September is r = 0.77. A more intensive elimination of breeding individuals in April-May negatively correlated with the total catch of the following year (r = -0.86). Trapping of moles from limited territories, reduces the total resource of the population due to migration. The perspective for the rest of population is in selective elimination of individuals, preserving more females.



Keywords: European mole (Talpa europaea), trapping, reproduction season, re-occupation of territories


page 8-14



DOI  10.25732/9338.2020.86.68.003


Sanitary and parasitological condition of objects of the environment of the Astrakhan region (on materials of the parasitological service FBUZ hygiene and epidemiology center in the Astrakhan region) in 2019


Arakelyan R. S. 1, Irdeeva V. A. 1, Nikeshina T. V. 1, Utembaeva J. N. 2, Zhukova V. A. 2, Abrosimova L. M. 2, Shendo G. L. 2


1 - Astrakhan State Medical University, Bakinskaya str., 138, Astrakhan, 414000, Russia

2 - Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Astrakhan Region, Ostrovskogo str., 121, Astrakhan, 414057, Russia


The authors in their article analyze samples taken from various environmental objects (water, soil, washouts from hard surfaces, food products), studied in parasitological units of the sanitary service of the Astrakhan region. So, in 2019, 13,237 samples were studied (14,930 studies were conducted), taken from environmental objects, of which 68 samples did not meet hygiene standards. The invasion rate was 0.5%.



Keywords: water, swabs, food products, soil, strongilides, roundworms, toxocaras, eggs and helminth larvae



page 15-20


DOI  10.25732/9058.2020.75.38.004


Epidemiological aspects of ascariasis in children in the Astrakhan region (based on materials from the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Astrakhan Region Federal State Health Institution)


Arakelyan R. S. 1, Irdeeva V. A. 1, Shendo G. L. 2, Abrosimova L. M. 2, Zagina A. N. 1


1 - Astrakhan State Medical University

2 - Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Astrakhan Region


Based on the materials of the bacteriological and parasitological research laboratory of the Federal State Health Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Astrakhan Region, the epidemiological situation of ascariasis in children in the Astrakhan region for 2015–2019 is analyzed. It has been established that despite the anti-epidemic measures carried out in the region, ascariasis continues to be an urgent problem among adults and children. In most cases, ascariasis was detected in preschool children, which may be due to noncompliance with personal hygiene rules and eating unwashed fruits and vegetables contaminated with roundworm eggs. With ascariasis, children the most often complain of poor appetite and pain in the epigastric region. The presence of unfertilized Ascaris lumbricoides eggs in feces indicates the presence of only female parasites in the host organism (male is absent).


Keywords: ascariasis, parasitological research, helminthiasis 


page 21-25



DOI  10.25732/6607.2020.12.27.005


About the history of insecticidal active substances.

Part 1. Substances of plant origin that have an insecticidal effect, inorganic substances (arsenic-containing substances, fluorides, silicon dioxides, boric acid and borax)


S. A. Roslavceva, professor, Scientific Research Disifectology Institute ,18 Nauchniy proezd. Moscow 117246, Russian Federation


History of application of substances and compounds as insecticides and larvicides for agricultural and medical disinsection. The first part describes insecticides of plant origin that have an insecticidal effect, inorganic substances (arseniccontaining substances, fluorides, silicon dioxides, boric acid and borax).


Keywords: Insecticides, larvicides, substances of plant origin, inorganic compounds (arseniccontaining


substances, fluorides, silicon dioxides, boric acid and borax)


page 28 - 34


DOI  10.25732/2094.2020.29.18.006


New acetamipride-based mixed formulations


Kostina M. N., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Kostin F. N., Vinogradova A. I.

Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute of Pospotrebnadzor, Nauchny pr., 18, Moscow, 117246


The target efficacy of two new insecticidal preparations containing acetamipride in combination with compounds from the group of pyrethroids as the active substance was studied. An acute effect has been established for cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, flies and recommendations are given for practical use in the field of medical pest control and by the population in everyday life



Keywords: neonicotinoids, acetamipride, pyrethroids, cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, flies


page 35 - 39