ISSN 2076-8462


«Pest Managment» (RAT-Info) № 3 (75)/2010


ORDER 21.07.2010 NO. 291 ABOUT the seminar zoologists

ORDER 22.06.2010 NO. 267 ON improving epidemiological surveillance and prevention of the CDE in the Russian Federation

ORDER 15.06.2010 NO. 256 OF the regional scientific-practical conference in the Siberian Federal district

ORDER 08.06.2010 NO. 233 ABOUT scientific-practical conference with international participation

ORDER 08.06.2010 NO. 234 ON holding all-Russian scientific-practical conference


State of disinfection stations, working in the field of preventive disinfection, disinsection and deratisation in 2009


Osipova N.Z., Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Cherniavskaya O.P., Tsarenko V.A.

FSI of Public Health Ministry RF Federal Center of Hygiene and Epidemioogy by Russian


Consumer Inspection Estimated activities of disinfection enterprises, institutions , disinfection departments of centers of hygiene and epidemiology and deratisation measures according to the Subjects of the RF Federal Services on Survillance in Healthcare and social Development for 2009 is presented in the article. Some data are shown in comparison with the same ones for previous years.


Key words: Preventive disinfection measures according to statistic monitoring.  


Sanitary –epidemiological control in current conditions.


Shaposhnikov A.A., Doctor of Medicine, professor, academician RAEN, RMA of Postgraduated education, ul. Barricadnaya 2/1, Moscow, 123995


In current conditions under complex socialeconomic situation in our country sanitaryepidemiological inspection is very important for elimination epidemic foci in the case of infection deceases appearance, especially new ones.The goals and objectives, structure and principles of sanitaryepidemiological inspection and its interaction with social-epidemic environment are reported in this article. Evaluation criteria of sanitary-epidemiological inspection according to integrated-target programs, specially developing for every nosological form of infectious disease, are described.


Keywords: sanitary-epidemiological inspection, monitoring, epidemic situation, risk factors, functional structure, evaluation criteria.  

New infections – new problems.


Yuschenko G.V., Doctor of Medicine, professor, academician AMTS RF, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduated education, ul.. Barricadnaya 2/1, Moscow, 123995.


Materials concerning formation of new infections for the last 30 years are shown in the article. Scientific and technological progress (science advancement in the field of microbiology and laboratory diagnostics) is an important factor, caused to detection of new infections and allowed to determine the etiology of many hemorrhagic fevers by viral and rickettsial nature and tick-home borreliosis. New pathogens (clamydia, mycoplasma, herpes viruses, that determined disease of lungs and reproductive system, can provoke infertility and children pathology) have been found. New causative agents of respiratory infections (metapneumovirus, bokavirus et al.) have been described. Environmental pollution and changes in human living conditions are the powerful factors, setting conditions for new infection formations. Thus process of new infection appearance is multiple-factor and it will be taken place permanently due to ecological disturbance connected with human activity and also global changes over the Earth.


Keywords: new infections, microorganisms, scientific and technological advance, ecology, immunity.  


Changes in the ticks abundance and tick-borne encephalitis sickness rate in Irkutsk suburb.


Nikitin A.Ya., Kozlova Yu.A., Pogodaeva M.V. FSI of Public Health Ministry RF “Irkutsk Scientific Research Antiplague Institute of Siberia and the Far East” by Russian Consumer Inspection, Irkutsk, Russia


As a result of analysis of changes in Ixodes persulcatus ticks abundance and tick-borne encephalitis sickness rate of people in Irkutsk it was found that the factor prognosis represented quite satisfactory results only during the period of stable monodirectional changes of both variables, that was observed in 80-90th of the last century and also under constant level of people contacts with the ticks. As an alternative prognosis methods it’s considered a) description of epidemic process dynamics by analytic formula (model); b)count under two or more variables prognosis; c) use the rate of medical aid appealability after people contacts with the ticks.


Key words: Ixodes persulcatus; dynamics of number; tick-born encephalitis; methods of the forecast, Irkutsk region.  


Biodiversity conservation and nature-conservative rodents status (order Rodentia)


Shekarova O.N . Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Severtsov Institution of Ecology and Evolution, RAS


At the present time the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has created and regularly update the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. All animal species over the world are included in this List and every species has got the category according to its extinction risk (from low risk category to category of extinct taxons). Description of this document and the IUCN Red List Categories, information about the rodents’ (included pests) nature conservation status (International, Russian and regional levels) are presented in this article.


Key words: rodents, conservation, Red Book, IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. 


«Ksulat C25» – new high – effective insecticide for profeccional use.


Kostina M.N., Doctor of Biology, Maltseva M.M., Novikova E. A., Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute by Russian Consumer Inspection

Alesho N.A. Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Disinfectological business and Medical entomology Department RMAPE, Public Health Ministry RF. Nauchny pr., 18, Moscow, 1172456


New insecticide «Ksulat C25» on the basis of Chlorpyrifos (25% microcapsulated suspension) is investigated in details and registered in the RF. This insecticide possesses wide spectrum of insecticide activity. It’s recommended to include it into the current rotation system of preparations with different mechanism of action, acting in the RF.


Key words: Chlorpyrifos, microcapsulated suspension, high acute activity, long-term residual effect, wide spectrum of insecticide activities, safe application conditions. 

«Cleanbait gel bait» – new insecticide against cockroach and ants


Kostina M.N.,Doctor. Sc. (Biol.), Maltseva M.M., Novikova E. A.,Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute by Russian Consumer Inspection

Alesho N.A. Cand. Sc. (Biol.), Disinfectological business and Medical entomology Department RMAPE, Public Health Ministry RF. Nauchny pr., 18, Moscow, 1172456


New harmless for homoiothermal animals insecticide with high intestinal activity on the basis of Hydramethylnon, the active agent from amidohydrasone group, is investigated and registered in the RF.


Key words: Amidohydrazone, intestinal insecticides, hydramethylnon,. deferred start effect, long-term residual effect, high degree of harmlessness for homoiothermal animals.  


Duty standard for medical disinfector of preventive disinfection department


Putsin V.V., Tolkunova I.I., Alekseenko Ya.A. Federal state public health institution «Novosibirsk Regional Disinfection Center», ul. Chapligina, 3, Novosibirsk, 630099


Recommendations, developed on the basis of long-term operational experience of preventive disinfection department of Federal state public health institution «Novosibirsk Regional Disinfection Center» are given by authors to medical disinfectors to help them in organization and execution preventive disinfection measures in the objects of different categories.


Key words: medical disinfector, preventive disinfection, deratization and disinsection.