ISSN 2076-8462


«Pest Management / Пест-Менеджмент» (РЭТ-инфо) № 4 (80)/2011


Order No 756 of September 28.09.2011

Letter of October 05, 2011 No 01/12688-1-32

Letter of November 01, 2011 No 01/13850-1-32


The current state of rare helminthiases


Guzeeva M. V., FBHI «Moscow Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology» 4/9, Grafsky per, Moscow, 129926

Guseeva T. M., Cand. Sc. (Med), E. I. Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (MSMU), M. Pirogovskaya, 20, Moscow119435


Rare helminthiases is the wide group. But they are found much more rarely than ubiquitous helminthiases, the most of them are unknown to physicians and it determines difficulties of their identification and counting. Their lists are differed in different world regions. Those helminthiases are usual in one region can occur only as isolated imported cases in another one. Only 11 nosological forms of helminthiasis are included in the official statistics in the Russian Federation. The other helminth infections with low sickness rate (less than 1,0 per 100 thousand population) are considered as rare for Russia and they are registered in an integrated group named "other helminthiases", that does not allow to fully define the list of identified helminthiases in our country In the mid-2000s, we found that in Russia only for three years (2006–2008) 17 rare nosological forms of helminthiases were identified. The study of the rare helminthiasis structure in Russia allowed to reveal the spread of the most of them. On the ground that more than half the recorded cases is clonorchiasis, this infection was put in the list of individual registered parasitoses in Russia. The structure of the rare helminthiases can changes under the influence of different factors, including climatic changes, environment security level according to parasitological indicators, the quality of health care. Systematic collection of information on the cases of rarely registered helminthiases and the analysis of their structure will allow to have more reliable picture about parasitological situation in the country


Keywords: rarely registered helminthiases, climate change, fascioliasis, dirofilariasis clonorchiasis


Topicality use of ILISA for characteristics of allergenic loading of dwellings


Akhapkina I. G., Scientific research institute of vaccines and sera of I. I. Mechnikova The Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow, Maliy Kazenniy str., 5a. E-mail:


Necessity of detection of allergenic loading of the dwellings caused by pollen of various plants, remains within all year, despite known seasonal prevalence of process of pollination. Application of the ILISA with use polyclonal antisera received against a standard allergenic extract in particular of pollen of a birch (Betula pendula), is effective and accessible for screening researches of a dust of dwellings. It is shown, that visual calculation of pollen grains in a dust of dwellings does not allow obtaining data about allergenic loading. At research of 78 samples of a dust of apartments of Moscow concentration of allergen of pollen of a birch 42 samples made more than 300 mkg/g of a dust, in other samples on the average 165,95±60,46 dust mkg/g.


Kеywords: ELISA, screening research, allergen, birch pollen (Betula pendula)

Pesticides influence on the intestine microecology of cotton growers


Arginbaeva A.T. Institute of medical problems. The South Division of National Academy of Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.Osh. 52, Uzgenskaya str., Osh, Kyrgyz Republic, 71400


Characteristics of pesticides effects on human health and data about intestine biocoenosis changes of people, living in cotton growing zone are presented in this article.


Keywords: pesticides, disbacteriosis, cotton growers, seasonality, cultured milk foods, intestine biocoenosis


Monument to tarbagan!


Shekarova O. N., Cand. Sc. (Biol.), A. N. Severtsov Institution of ecology and Evolution, RAS, Leninsky prosp., 33, Moscow


Monument to tarbagan was put in Krasnokamensk (Tuva) in August, 2011. It’s the unique monument to millions animals, dead as a result of large-scale antiplaque treatments in natural ecosystems of Russia within the plaque areal. At present time all four Russian marmot species are entered in the Regional Red Books, tarbagan is also put in the IUCN Red List as Endangered. Problem of biodiversity conservation, including pest species, is extremely actual.


Keywords: monument, tarbagan, plague, eradication, biodiversity


New data on the distribution of mosquitoes Aedes Aegypti and Ae. Albopictus. Report No 3 

Roslavtseva S.A. professor, Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute by Rospotrebnadzor, Disinfectology Department of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Nauchny pr.,18, Moscow.


In this review it’s show that habitat areas of mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Ae.albopictus, being the carriers of viruses – causative agents of tropical dengue and chikungunya fevers, are expanded in Europe, including Russia, and Asia Minor. New biological method of mosquitoes control with bacteria Wolbachia is considered.


Keywords: mosquitoes Ae. aegypti, Ae.albopictus, viruses carriers, causative agents of tropical fevers, expansion, bacteria Wolbachia


Mosquitoes in rhythms of life


Vinogradova E. B. Doctor of Biology, Zoological Institution, RAS. 1, Universitetskaya nab, Saint-Petersburg, 199034


This article is devoted to the seasonal and daily rhythms of bloodsucking mosquitoes fam. Culicidae as adaptation to environmental conditions changes. In northern and middle latitudes their seasonal rhythms consist of the periods of vital activity, physiological rest and diapause. It’s mainly regulated by seasonal changes of daylight hours length (photoperiodism) and temperature. Daily rhythm is characteristic for pupation, imago emergence from pupa, swarming, mating, fly activity, attack and oviposition. The proportion of endogenous (circadian) to exogenous regulation components in their regulation is speciesspecific. Illuminance and temperature are usually the main real-time clock.


Keywords: mosquitoes-Culicidae, seasonal rhythms , daily rhythms, endogenous regulation, exogenous regulation, diapauses, photoperiodism, illuminance, temperature, swarming, attack